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About Heavenly Relationships

This Is How Our Story Began

As a young woman I suffered from low self-esteem and as a result made a poor marriage.  I suffered 12 years in an abusive situation and was terrified to leave fearing that I would go to hell.  When I finally did pluck up the courage to leave my pastor's wife told me exactly that.  In fact, she spoke three condemning phrases over me "you're going to hell", "there's nobody else for you whilst he's still alive" and "it's all over for you". 


Those words created such a turmoil in me on top of what I was already facing. Fortunately God took me on a  journey to discover the immense depths of his love and grace for me and I am still so moved by his perfect love.


My experience has made me passionate about supporting and loving others in similar situations and imparting relationship skills to not only single and single again christians but also those outside the church so they do not have to suffer the same atrocities.


I hold a Diploma of Counselling from the Australian College of Applied Psychology and have clocked up more than a decade on the christian dating scene encountering every pitfall christian dating could possibly present!


I am pleased to say God has answered my prayer for a husband and I'm now married to the wonderful James Douglas xx.

Sandra Douglas
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