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Where are the single christians?

Updated: Mar 21

Unfortunately singles are mostly forgotten in a lot of churches these days, especially once you age out of youth and young adult groups.

There is a mere sprinkling of singles at best meaning there is very little chance of meeting someone at church. It seems the only option is to take your search online.

christian dating

The truth about online Christian dating

Among the scammers, the "Christians" who are just looking for casual sex, the Christians with more baggage than Qantas and the Christians who talk the talk but just aren't walking the walk (which is a mere selection of who you're likely to meet) it's easy to wonder if there are actually any healthy, whole and transformed by the Holy Spirit Christians out there. The truth is there is a lot of chaff to sort through to get to the wheat.

It's tempting to take the search to somewhere secular, especially when non-Christians seem to be friendlier, happier and more emotionally healthy than some of the Christian singles you've been meeting!

If you're getting disillusioned or even feeling hopeless about your prospects, you're not alone.

So how do we stay hopeful?

Be Realistic

You are going to meet a plethora of not-so-Christian Christians, I can almost guarantee it! The trick is to sort through the chaff as quickly as possible without wasting your time or getting your heart invested. "Easier said than done!" I hear you saying. Yes I know, it's a learning experience...

Look at your dating "failures" differently

When months turn into years or even decades, know that God hears your prayers. Every closed door is as much an answer to prayer as the open door you're seeking, and every unsuitable person you're meeting can be an opportunity for personal growth. Start to think about what you've learnt from each experience and apply that going forward.

There is wheat if you just stick with it!

It's ok to take a break from time to time when the dating experience gets too much but don't take yourself out of the game altogether. The "you'll meet someone when you stop looking" adage is an oxymoron. Be encouraged that open doors do happen! I was single 12 years before I meet the one. Praise God, He opened a door for me and He can open one for you too!

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